Pharma Chemoutsourcing Logo
100% LIVE

Sept 3-6, 2024

Parsippany NJ Hilton

RSM, CRO/CDMO, ProcChem, SpecChem, Analytical, I/Mediates, Machinery, CMC/API, DrugProd, Contract Mfg, Gene/Cell, Biologics, Oligos, Peptides

Medicinal & Discovery Chemistry

Explore cutting-edge medicinal and discovery chemistry at ChemOutsourcing, uniting top professionals in the chemical industry. We foster innovation through partnerships, driving transformative advancements in the field.

Join us as a speaker to share your
insights or showcaseyour innovations as
an exhibitor.

2024 Speaker Highlight

Headshot of Dave Rotella
Dave Rotella
Director of Medicinal Chemistry
at Montclair State University

ChemOutsourcing 2024 Key Focus Areas in Medicinal & Drug Discovery Chemistry